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Feldenkrais for babies and small children

Play and explore with your baby at her own pace, while establishing deep bonding and a loving, trustful connection between the two of you.
Learn how you can support your baby in developing her full and rich potentials in an optimal environment and through joyful activities.





In the text I refer to a baby as her, whereas I consider all babies. 

How to support your baby’s development through the optimal and safest lifting and through touching? Find out on the following link.

Get the video, tipps and information about future classes.



The group lessons take place in small groups with 3-4 babies.


Do the days/times of the group not work for you, or is your group already full?


Contact me here and we'll find a sollution.


Group lessons
for babies from
1 to 4 months

Wednesday, 9:30
13., 20. and 27. Juli
Seegasse, 1090

150 € for 3 lessons


Group lessons
for babies from

5 to 9 months

Wednesday, 11:00
13., 20. and 27. Juli
Seegasse, 1090

150 € for 3 lessons




Seegasse, 1090 or
via zoom


90 € one lesson
6 x 82 € for block of 6

Support your baby's development in a playful way


How can your baby develop her movement more easily and happily?

By developing her body-awareness with your support!

How can your baby develop her movement more easily and happily?

By developing her body-awareness with your support!


Good body awareness is like having a good map of your own body. Thus, it plays a crucial role in your baby's ease of movement development. 

Maybe you've already seen how surprised a baby can be when she sees her hand or foot? Of course! She doesn't know yet exactly where her legs and arms are and what she can do with them – the map is not complete yet.



You can imagine it with the following comparison: you are in a new city, and you are looking for a meeting place with your friend. If your navigation system on your phone works well, you know exactly where to go. But if it doesn't work, you'll be a bit lost and might come to the meeting point late and sweaty.

It's the same with your baby: 
If she has a good body-awareness, she simply knows better where she is in space and knows which part of herself she needs to move to achieve what she wants. She’ll likely develop faster and with much more ease.
If her body-awareness is lacking, she won’t feel so clear about how to move to achieve what she wants. She might strain more and can experience more frustration.
Babies have an extra challenge regarding good body-awareness because of their fast growth and the constant change of their weight and size of their body. They are changing so quickly, and it can be hard to keep pace with the always changing “me”.  That’s why a little help and support can come in very handy! ;) 
In the Child’Space lessons you as a parent will learn to help your baby to bring attention to her body, so she’ll feel better and thus strengthen her body-awareness. 
You’ll learn to help your baby to stay connected with herself throughout her growth and thrive in her skills in each phase of her development.
Through play, loving contact and age-appropriate tools, using everyday activities and connection time, in a pleasant and exciting way.


Less frustration. More ease and joy for baby and you :)


The better body feeling will not only allow your baby faster and more comfortable development, but also much more happiness and satisfaction.

The better body feeling will not only allow your baby faster and more comfortable development, but also more happiness and satisfaction.


That makes a lot of sense too!

Babies want to be more mobile and do something more, but they aren’t always able to do it right away. This can get frustrating. With more ease and success in their movement, they become much calmer and happier.



You can imagine it with your experiences: when you learn something new, it can be very exhausting and challenging at times. 
And do you still know the joy and excitement you experienced when you managed to do it for the first time? And when you mastered it?
It’s absolutely true for your baby too! When you help your baby find an easier way to move and you see how she accepts it and thus makes an easier and more joyful progress, you’ll both end up happy, excited and connected.
It’s hard not to share the excitement with them! ;)


Understand your baby and be confident in the handling


It's not uncommon for parents to have a bit of uncertainty, especially at the beginning of the time together with their baby, and at times also later in her development. 

It's not uncommon for parents to have a bit of uncertainty, especially at the beginning of the time together with their baby, and at times also later in her development. 


No one has automatically downloaded instructions to their brain at the birth and knows everything about what to do with their baby. Every parent wants to do what is best for the baby, however we are rarely prepared for all the responsibility and don’t always have all the  answers at the moment!



In Child’Space you’ll learn to see which important lessons your baby is learning at which phase. You’ll learn the best ways to handle, understand and support her in each step. 


The good news is that you don’t need any magic wand for that! You already have all the tools you need within you and you’ll learn to use them. Through touch, play, vocalization, and other concrete and meaningful activities you’ll learn to develop secure attachment and safe space for your child to learn and grow.


An even and diverse development allows your baby a more healthy life


Babies explore something new every day. They learn and are extremely happy when they make progress! Attempting many times and even failing are important skills for your baby in the process of learning to move easily and skillfully.

Babies explore something new every day. They learn and are extremely happy when they make progress! Attempting many times and even failing are important skills for your baby in the process of learning to move easily and skillfully. Sometimes it happens that babies are struggling with finding one or the other movement, which takes longer to learn the full potential of the movement. When that happens, you can support them very well! For example:

  • The babies might be happy that they managed to roll over to one side that they don't even notice that there is also the other side to explore! Or if they find it, one side might not be so easy for them. The same can happen while sitting. Sometimes they sit sideways with their legs only to one side.

  • The babies might skip some movements like rolling or crawling.

  • Equally important are transitions in movement, so that your baby can move skillfully, e.g., from lying to sitting and onto all fours.

All those nuances can make a big difference for the baby in their current and further movement development.
Diverse and rich movement is very important for later diverse, skillful movement, balance, dexterity in movement and a healthy body later in life.
In Child’Space you’ll learn simple, fun and pleasant tools that will help your baby to do movements equally and in many variations and from which your baby will profit immensely.



Release the tension and make the movement fun!


You would think that babies don't have a lot of tension in their bodies yet, right? But it's not necessarily always the case!

Babies often stretch and tense their muscles more than we expect.

You would think that babies don't have a lot of tension in their bodies yet, right? But it's not necessarily always the case!

Babies often stretch and tense their muscles more than we expect.


The muscle tension can have different causes:

  • Intensive exploration to get to know their own body and to move it can lead to a higher muscle tone. The baby learns which muscles to activate, how strong and how to release them afterwards. That can be difficult even for us adults. Do you ever find yourself clenching your teeth or your fists unconsciously when you practice something new, for example start a new sport or practice a new musical instrument? No wonder that learning so many new movements can also lead to muscle tension in the baby, right?

  • The tension can be easier found in the areas that are farther away from the head, therefore also more difficult for the baby to control.

  • Sometimes the babies can feel uncomfortable and therefore tense the muscles


All this can bring a higher muscle tone in the baby’s body. This tension often makes babies less satisfied. Perhaps you know the "grumpy" feeling yourself, for example if you have shoulder, back or calf tension? Those muscle tensions can also get in the way of easy development as with tension in the body it is much more difficult for the baby to move and develop with ease.


You can see right away if that’s the case for your baby; hold her lower leg with both hands. Does it feel soft or rather firm? Then do the same for the other lower leg. Do you notice a similar tone here, or is it different?



Learn about a wide variety of play opportunities and encourage curiosity


Important! Babies need a certain, balanced muscle tone to be able to move easily and effortlessly. Too low muscle tone also leads to difficulties in the development of movement. And if the muscle tone is too high, it can also make the baby's further development difficult.
In the Child’Space lessons you will learn how to help your baby regulate and adjust tone to make her development easier and more joyful. You will learn very easy tools that will help to balance the muscle tone in your baby. They are simple to do and won’t take long, so you can use them easily in your everyday life. Your baby will become happier, calmer and more relaxed once you’ll use them for a while.


What do you play with the baby at the beginning when the baby can't do much by herself yet?

Of course, you hold the baby, you kiss her, you rock her, you cuddle, and you play with the baby.

What do you play with the baby at the beginning when the baby can't do much by herself yet? Of course, you hold the baby, you kiss her, you rock her, you cuddle, and you play with her. And often you don't want to just hold the toys in front of the baby or carry her. What else is possible, just for the two of you?
In Child’Space lessons you will learn many ways to play with age-appropriate toys and without toys.
By playing without a toy and just the two of you, the baby also gets to know her own body in a different way and will explore herself more curiously.



Such conscious and active play also supports an even better connection between you and your baby.

The opportunities to stay connected with your baby will become much clearer and easier.


Make your day as a mom relaxed for you and the baby


The moms have so much responsibility and offer a lot of their time to their baby and the family. Besides they also have to think about their own care and health and about so many other things. There’s often not much spare time!

The moms have so much responsibility and offer a lot of their time to their baby and the family. Besides they also have to think about their own care and health and about so many other things. There’s often not much spare time!

Even when you know how helpful all the good practices and connection time are for the baby and for you, there can be so much on your mind that you simply forget about it.


In Child’Space lessons you will learn how to easily incorporate all the activities into your everyday life. 

You will learn the playful practices that you can build into a fixed point in your day, such as changing diapers, waking up in the morning, or playing. 3-4 minutes are often enough to support your baby’s development and strengthen your connection.


All the activities are also a wonderful way to make the morning nicer and more fun until the whole family is back in the afternoon.



How Child’Space started?


All the activities are also a wonderful way to make the morning nicer and more fun until the whole family is back in the afternoon.


A very successful Feldenkrais teacher, Chava Shelhav, dedicated her work to prevention and exchanged her work with adults for work with children. 

A very successful Feldenkrais teacher, Chava Shelhav, dedicated her work to prevention and exchanged her work with adults for work with children. 

Her idea was to help children, so they won’t experience difficulties, like back pain, bad posture, knee pain, shoulder pain, bad balance, clumsy movement, headaches… - like many adults do.


She was surprised when, in her attempt to realize this, she met a lot of children with movement problems as early as elementary school.

That's why she looked to even younger children.

She realized that she could contribute most, when she offered the Feldenkrais Method and its principles to babies, toddlers and their parents. 


That’s how the Child'Space method was invented.


Through my work I have come to the same conclusion as Chava Shelhav and have found my passion to work with children, especially babies. Child’Space method continues to excite me with many aspects that it’s offering to babies and their parents. 


I love to support parents in understanding their baby’s development, learning how they can support her and share excitement with her and establishing a deep bonding, loving communication and trustful connection.


And I love to see how babies joyfully learn, how empowered they feel by their abilities and curiosity and how they’re thriving in their rich development.


Individual or group lessons?


You will get to know all of the above-described tools and exercises both in the individual lessons and in the group lessons.


Individual lessons

You will get to know all of the above-described tools and exercises both in the individual lessons and in the group lessons.


Individual lessons

The individual lesson is particularly suitable if you have a specific question about your baby’s development, about handling, your connection with the baby or others. 

E.g., the baby only rolls in one direction, the baby has not yet taken the next step in her movement development, and it feels like there’s something stopping her, you would love to deepen your connection, etc. 

We can devote ourselves to your topic in an individual lesson and as parents you’ll get the support you and your baby would like to have.

Often a lot can be done in one lesson and the transition into the group classes can happen very easily after one lesson or after a couple of individual lessons, if the family wishes so.


Group lessons

The group lessons are a combination of all of the above principles and also offer an aspect of a playgroup. 

The group lessons are for you, if you would like to join a small group of babies the same age as yours, learn fun activities, songs and other games that will strengthen the bonding between the two of you and support your baby’s movement, cognitive and emotional development and social skills.

You’ll also learn about the best ways to handle, touch and support your baby and get support if any questions arise in the development of your baby.


Usually babies are very excited about the group classes and love the presence of other babies the same age as theirs. Therefore they are calm and engaged and easily follow the group process.

The parents report that the babies often sleep really well after the lesson and are much happier and calmer also in the days after the lesson.


The group lessons and meeting other families are usually very pleasant, fun, exciting and enriching not only for babies but also for their parents.

The group lessons take place in small groups with 3-4 babies.


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