Pelvic floor is our place of strength and magic.
It's the center of our body and the power place of our spirit.
Vital pelvic floor brings aliveness, vibrancy and flow into our life.
Sign up for the newsletter to sign up for a free trial lesson. Immediately after registration, you will receive a short audio lesson. You will receive the zoom link and information for the trial lesson one week and one day before the workshop. Make an appointment, 17.1. at 19:00 immediately in your calendar ;) I look forward to your participation!
What is important to know before doing a short Feldenkrais audio session. Read here.
Imagine you:
- Experience freedome and lightness in yourself.
- Can play, work and move with zero stress of unfunctionality in your pelvic floor
- Breath freely with whole lungs and experience the calmness of your breath
- Enjoy your sensuality and feel just sooo good in your body
- Feel balanced. On your two feet and in your life
- Release tension, pain or numbness in your pelvic floor and learn to feel pleasure instead
- Reduce or fully release pelvic pain, menstrual pain etc.
- Know how to reach for more energy or how to let go of outburst of energy. Feel just the right amount of supportive energy to reach for your dreams.
Practicaly seen, pelvic floor is allowing us to be functional and effective:
It is an important, integrative muscle system in the center of our body. The more vital your pelvic floor will be, more stability and balance you will experience in your body. As a system that connects both legs with pelvis and spine, it's lessen functionality can show in pelvic pain, low-back pain, hip pain or bad stability and bad balance. Good news? Those will very likely improve or fully recover, once we improve our pelvic floor functions.

It is taking care of stability of our organs and ease of secretion regulation, so everything stays in, that needs to stay in and everything goes out easily, that needs to go out. Instead of stressing around the though about the next toilet, a vital pelvic floor allows us to focus energy on reaching our life goals and let our magic come true!
It is also caled the lowest diaphrame, since it is very involved in our breathing system. If breathing system, including pelvic floor, is not working properly, our breath will be more shallow, and we tend to experience more stress, anxiety or depression. If the breathing system works at it's supposted to, pelvic floor muscles will move together wit our breath, allowing the free flow and flexibility in our center.
Tension or numbness in pelvic floor area are very common and can result in pain during periods, or while having sex. Releasing the tension, that we're very often unaware of and allowing us to feel more sensations can help us tp become more feminine and sensual, enjoying ourselves more. Even sexual experiences can become much more enjoyable and we can become (more) orgasmic.
Many women don't feel good around their bodys and even shameful around the genitals. Most women have at least some tome of life felt too thin or too fat, with too big breasts or bum or too small, too hairy or too little hairy...and we can go on. To feel that way does make a lot of sense, according to what we learn in our environment, that's sadly many times not so accepting and kind. All those uncomfortable feelings are bringing more tension and numbness in our pelvic floor as well. But it's not neccessary to feel like that anymore! In the workshop you can expect some exercises that will help you feel better in yourself.
I myself know almost all of the above problems. If the pelvic floor is not working properly, it is often the case that several of these problems creep in at the same time.
In the meantime, through Feldenkrais and other accompanying exercises that you will learn about in the course, I have solved the above inconveniences and I am incredibly grateful for that!
I know, I wasn't alone in that....
More than 50% of women experience incontinence,
40% develop organ prolapse,
Pain in the area of the pelvis, sacrum, hip, low back pain and increased risk of herniated discs,
Bad balance and problems with stability
30% of women have pain during sex,
Common vaginal yeast infections,
15% never expirience an orgasm...
Why those numbers are so big?
We rarely see the pelvic floor system as complex as it is and we rarely work with it in a holistic way.
I want to change that and would love to show you how to experience an imense support from your pelvic floor and the connection with you body that you might never think is possible.
I myself know almost all of the above problems. If the pelvic floor is not working properly, it is often the case that problems creep in in more areas.
In the meantime, through Feldenkrais and other accompanying exercises that you will learn in the course, I have solved all the above problems and I am incredibly grateful for that!
I know, I wasn't alone in that....
More than 50% of women experience incontinence,
40% develop organ prolapse,
30% of women have pain during sex and common vaginal yeast infections,
15% of women never experience an orgasm, 60% less often.
Often there are also problems associated with movement, like pain in the area of the pelvis, sacrum, hip, low back pain, increased risk of herniated discs, bad balance and problems with stability.
Why are those numbers so high?
We rarely see the pelvic floor system as complex as it is and we rarely work with it in a holistic way.
I want to change that and would love to show you how to experience an immense support from your pelvic floor and a loving connection with your body that you might never think is possible.
Come, Join us :)
Where, when and how much?
Via Zoom, in comfort of your own home. You only need a mat or a blanket.
English: Tuesday, 19pm cet
Slovenian: Wednesday, 10am cet
From week of 16.1.2023 to 28.3.2023, 11 sessions
Sign up for the newsletter to sign up for a free trial lesson. Immediately after registration, you will receive a short audio lesson. You will receive the zoom link and information for the trial lesson one week and one day before the workshop. Make an appointment, 17.1. at 19:00 immediately in your calendar ;) I look forward to your participation!
What is important to know before doing a short Feldenkrais audio session. Read here.
Was sagen die Teilnehmerinnen der früheren Workshops?
Die Erfahrung, dass man seinen Beckenboden nicht nur anspannen kann, sondern dass man gezielt alle Röhren einzeln ansteuern kann, ist schlicht sensationell! Ich hätte auch am Anfang der Übung nicht gedacht, dass es mir gelingen würde. Aber mit einiger Konzentration ging das dann gar nicht so schlecht.
Ich bin überrascht, wie schnell sich die Muskelfunktion verbessert hat. Ich werde das Gelernte im Alltag, beim Sport und bei der Gartenarbeit umsetzen.
Ich habe es gewusst, wie wichtig die Beckenbodenmuskulatur ist, habe sie aber bisher gar nicht wirklich aktivieren können.
Den Beckenboden gezielt wahrzunehmen, sich darüber Gedanken zu machen und da bewusst zu atmen hat beim Sex voll die Auswirkungen und bringt positive Veränderungen.
Ich habe meinen Körperaufbau und meine Muskelstränge noch nie so wahrgenommen, wie du das erklärt hast. Es hat mir ermöglicht Muskeln und Gefühle in mir zu entdecken, die ich bisher so gar nicht gekannt habe.
Die beiden Workshops waren für mich so augenöffnend, einfach wohltuend, dass man über so was redet.
Was Feldenkrais Beckenboden-Workshop bewirkt, ist echt was Schönes und Beruhigendes.
Der Unterteil des Rumpfes wird so vernachlässigt in vielen Trainings. Ich bin damit bisher noch nicht so in die Berührung gekommen, muss ich ehrlich sagen. Oft trainiert man viel Extremitäten, Bauch, Core, aber so wirklich den Beckenboden trainiert man nicht.
What do you need to participate?
To participate, you need a comfortable base, for example a yoga mat or a thicker blanket, and space on the floor.
If you are uncomfortable lying on the floor, you can also do the lessons on the bed.
For comfort, prepare a pillow or towel that you can put under your head or between your knees when lying on your back or on your side
Prepare comfortable clothes and a warm, quiet room.
It is best to participate via a computer, but a tablet or smartphone is also fine.
Who is the workshop suitable for?
The workshop is suitable for everyone. Prior knowledge or physical fitness is not important, as the movements are performed slowly and comfortably, adapted to each individual.
The workshop takes place via Zoom, but you still won't have to look at the screen. You follow the verbal instructions only by listening and perform the movements in such a way that they feel pleasant for you.
You can find additional information about the Feldenkrais method and the lessons that will be taught at the workshop in the following document.